


Born in Angoulême, Charente (France) in 1956.

I live and work in Bures sur Yvette (Essonne – France)

Supports used: Paintings and collages on canvas, drawing pastel.
Self-taught then student of H. Adriensence, in the premises of CROUS / UPS, Orsay, for a decade.
Facilitator of a workshop, within the framework of a Works Council, for 5 years.
Member of the Painters Association in Vallée De Chevreuse (APEVDC). President D. Dutat,
Member of the Association of Graphic and Plastic Arts Artists. President A. Lovato 

In recent years, I have great pleasure working outdoors which led me to paint mostly landscapes. I settle in solitude, in front of a landscape, alone like a fisherman with his fishing line, and for two hours I contemplate a tree, a river, a beach: smells of plants, water, sea; sound of wind, birds, nature.
But a nature without human and full of his traces, physical or sensitive vestiges.

I prefer then to use the fat or dry pastels that are fast implementation and simple transport, as they offer a wide range of strong and pure colours.

In workshop I used oil, paintings, collages with more complex, more interpreted, more abstract, and more thoughtful constructions. It’s the long time. It is the world of colours, smells of solvents, strong and rhythmic music.

It is also the place for collective work around models or still life.